Wednesday, April 28

Road Trip with My Broadband

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This is an article for project alpha 2

Currently, I'm busy for my next month road trip planning. Finding friends to go together,booking hostel,arrange the time table.......ha,just as a celebration after i finished my half year internship life. And this time, Port Dickson is my destination.

This is not my first road trip, so i have gained experience before and know what should i bring along with and what preparation i should do now. But, one thing special for the coming road trip is, A mobile broadband would be my companion throughout the road trip!

I admit that, I have totally addicted with internet surfing recently, for blogging,facebook-ing,finding part time job,check mail,Youtube-ing, watch news and more.With a mobile broadband along my road trip.I can share the latest information about what's happening on and around here. Besides, i can share my travel stories, photos instantly with friends,net-friends, and blogger.

We know that,Malaysia has not provide free wifi services throughout the country. You may face with difficulty if you reach the area which has no internet connection if you know to settle some important thing by network. urgently. But nowadays, technology made nothing impossible and you can get internet connection easily with a mobile broadband in your hand!

When think about mobile broadband, fist thing come into my mind sure is P1 Wimax WIGGY ! It’s the 4G technology that can speed up to 70Mbps around the 50Km radius wireless coverage. It is tiny!you can bring it along your road trip easily!

At last,catch projectalpha season2 episode 8,9,and 10 below and remember to answer an easy question everyday at!

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS

Click Nang

Cloudfly's copyright

Tuesday, April 27


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后期呢? 比较倾向于j rock~




他们都是punk, 这也是次文化



从猫王到披头四到再来black sabbath等
进入一股hard rock哪代,或者heavy metal













呵呵,不要怀疑,这文章不是我写的,想看原文请点击摇滚已死——代夫洛克壹壹柒的文字与音乐空间。原著是zhong min,我的音乐好友。zhong min是大马独立音乐的主要推手之一,本身是个graphic designer,所以会帮忙一些独立音乐活动画海报。

我记得我们第一次会面,是在SS2的火箭餐厅。他的确对音乐有很深的认识,很熟悉大马独立音乐的一切,更重要的是他很有自己的想法,不会盲目追崇,这是我敬佩他的地方。他有自己的乐队,乐种偏向brutal metal。由于我自己也只是个学生band,大家玩的乐种不同,所以我们在音乐上很少有接触,我们真正接触到的,是彼此想法上的交换。

进了大学创作坊三年,始终觉得缺少了什么东西,对,就是一个独立的思想,属于自己的创作。我们时常可以听到音乐人在创作比赛鼓励参赛者要接触多元化的音乐,创作更多不同的风格,但到最后看到的,还是千遍一律的ballad song。歌词除了拍拖就是分手。乐种除了pop就是ballad,啊不然就是轻摇滚。歌的编曲就是first round没full band,reintro后进drum再full band,bridge后静8beat,之后再full band到ending,ending时还不忘唱多一句尾chorus。



最后,和大家分享一首很好听的曲子,很有post rock的味道~

Click Nang

Wednesday, April 21

UM lovemycampus

UMlovemycampus  is a community which formed recently in University of Malaya with their peaceful slogan: Love My Neighbor, Love My Campus UM. Love my neighbor means showing love and care to the people around us no matter what races, religions, cultural, social status, countries they came from. Love my campus means a feeling of appreciation to our University and to be concern about the things happen in the campus by making the campus a better place for learning and growing holistically.

Through this community,they hope it is able to build a good relationship among students,to increase the awareness of social concern in the University and to encourage the loving and caring values among the University students and the University.

I had joined their Know Your Campus, Love Your Campus Challenge contest. It is a simple contest organized by them where we just need to collect all 10 questions within a period time, answer them, then send the answers.The first 20 entry with all correct answer will be the winners and get the prize!!! All the questions are related with UM, if you are really love the campus and know it well,you sure can answer it.

I joined this contest without any hesitate as i think that maybe the winner can get the cash,i need money recently,i need to save about RM1500 within these two months.So,everyday i will visited their page to check the new question.

I'm so lucky and surprise when i was received their email and they informed me that I'm one of the winner.......WAH!!that's mean i really love UM and know it well??? =.='' aduuuii

Don't care it,what i look forward is the SECRET PRIZE,what is it actually????

 i want,nearly bankrupt recently T.T

Free trip???
trip to Space??? yaahooooo!!

Free bass???
 wah,so i can sell it to gain money in my account 


A memorable UM TNC signature???
i don't want =.=''

I ask teng to helped me collect the prize and the veil of the SECRET PRIZE are finally revealed,it is

a thumbdrive





erm,ok for me too,since it is free.I had lost my pendrive before this and now i get the new one,haha

Anyway,thanks UM lovemycampus XD

Monday, April 19

My Version of Grooming Tips

This is an article for project alpha 2

Oh,when talk about my own grooming tips,erm........actually guy are simple if compare with girl.Haha,this is my tips:

1. Please keep yourself far away from odor whether in workplace,party or event. You may choose perfumes, deodorant,anti anti-perspirant to avoid it.But don't over.

2.Use sunblock when you are go out, especially at the noon time.It may protect your skin from sun burn.

3.Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.  Try to minimize to eat meat.

4. Keep your body fit by going gym regularly.

5.Drink plenty of water at least 1.5 litres a day(i used to drink more than 2.5liters a day...can't live without water lol)
6. Keep your nails clean,And the last,check your zipper !!!!!!!!!!!!! make sure is closed,haha.

Then,what i would do before i go out?For me,have two version!!! depends on the situation and time,ha!

First one is normal version:
  1. Take bath and wash my hair
  2. Wash my face with cleanser and facial scrub
  3. Take out my toner, moisturizer and use it
  4. Dry my hair
  5. Style my hair with my Gatsby Moving Rubber Wild shake
  6. Apply hair spray on my hair
  7. Apply lip gloss on my lip
  8. And last one,use my
Adidas Action 3

Then,second is: Super duper fast version
  1. Take bath
  2. Wash my face with cleanser.
  3. Apply hair spray on my hair (skip moving rubber lol)
  4. And last one,use my Adidas Action 3 Again
Talk further about Adidas Action 3, the new absorbent anti-perspirant by Adidas.Personally,i like the blue colour: Fresh spray.It helps to block perspiration,keep us fresh and it help to absorb extra wetness. The price is very reasonable and it make the people far from bad odor.

    Forgot to mention, Project Alpha Season 2 starts now!!! check news here: click me.Starting 19 April, Season 2 will be aired online at daily in 49 mini webisodes. Here are the first three episodes,you may check in youtube if you are interested to check the following episodes

    The bloggers featured in Season 2 include journalist, actor and social media advocate Niki Cheong, yoga instructor Ninie Ahmad, local celebrity Azwan Ali, food-blogger KY Teoh, British-born but localised Gareth Davies a.k.a. Shaolin Tiger, the fashionable Ringo Tan a.k.a. Cheesie, and multi-talented journalist Joe Lee aka Klubbkidd. Explore them one by one NOW!!!

    Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS

    If I'm IP man master,i would......

    Just imagine.......if I'm IP man master, i will...........

    Oh,asking about what is my kungfu pose??? sorry, I'm used to be a low profile man. Anyway,i will ask my students to entertain you.

    Students,just show some finishing move........

    #1 Student name: Super white
    Country: German
    Favourite food: Ikan Sardin
    Idol: Cactus Jack
    Finishing move: The Handcore Hand
    Damage: 70/100
    Accuracy: TBC

    #2 Student name: Gan LinYang
    Country: Hong Kong
    Favourite food: Wise Potato chips BBQ flavour
    Idol: Andy Lau
    Finishing move: TIpu Mati
    Damage: 50/100
    Accuracy: 20/100
    #3 Student name: Micheal J
    Country: China
    Favourite food:no info
    Idol: Jackie Chan
    Finishing move: DDT
    Damage: 75/100
    Accuracy: 80/100
    #4 Student name: Akihiko
    Country: Japan
    Favourite food: Sushi king
    Idol: erm........Maria Ozawa
    Finishing move:Pretend as kung fu master!!!
    Damage: 10/100
    Accuracy: 50/100

    I just found out some of friends who have HIGH potential to learn kung fu.......if there's chance, i will be very happy and they are welcomed to learn kung fu from me. 

    People1 :weesim--他连做梦都把自己当成牛魔王

    People 2:cynthia-- She will be the next generation of 铁头功 top master

    People3:kaixiang-- He always imitate the statue of liberty, a super peace lover

    People 4: kohkai and guanthai--They will be the next generation of 轻功水上漂 top guru

    Besides,i will use my hand to save the world from any menace and violence. I will..........
    Rescue my drummer and tell my guitarist:;兄弟,吉他不是这样玩的。要练武功,要练对的方法

    Ask my students to promote kung-fu in AI FM

    Teach my coursemates kung fu,so they will be fresher and stop sleeping inside lecture hall again

    Rescue my project director from a group of gangster......

    And the last, i will tell Shifu Hung that:


                                               Shifu Hung                               IP man

    Kung fu is a martial art to make world peaceful,give to the love to everyone. NOT for the purpose of competing.


      Yup, IP man 2 is coming, 29 April,waiting,look forward, and desperates to watch it !

    Sypnosis : After his victory over the Japanese General in Foshan, Ip Man moves to Hong Kong. He sets up a martial arts school to teach Wing Chun. Here, he is challenged by other kung fu masters, including Sifu Hung who masters in Hung Quan. Sifu Hung and Ip Man draw a tie in their challenge and the latter is adored as a recognized master in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Twister, the powerful but cruel boxer champion who despised Chinese kung fu destroyed the fruit market and harassed the kung fu institutes. Twister, who also resulted in Sifu Hung’s death, then challenged the Chinese kung fu masters for a public combat. Ip was filled with grief and indignation and he decided to take up the challenge. He swore to claim back the dignity of Chinese kung fu and the Chinese people. A furious fight is about to begin… 

      If you feel interested to win a Samsung Jet Mobile Phone or Samsung Explorer B2100,check this:  nuffnang contest.

     GSC-EON Bank Credit Card is running the Martial Arts Challenge and Share & Win contest for IP MAN 2. You can check all this out in their minisite at

    Wednesday, April 14

    Messy Blog

    Recently, I found that my blog is really messy and unorganized, anyway, I’m just too lazy to change it and just abandoned it a side. Feeling tired after work is always my best excuse. Finally, I am done just now, rearranging my blog layout and deleted some unnecessary stuff. So now, do you feel better and not feeling blur when you come to my blog? Ha.

    I plan to change my blog template, got roughly search some website just now, but still can’t find my cup of tea, maybe I’m too picky? So, do you have any website that can recommend? Appreciate it!

    Hmm, found a useful website named website speed test from fang . It is quite interesting, you just need to key in you website/blog domain name and the program will test and estimate the loading time of your web page.

    My blog's load time is 1.71 seconds, how about yours? Ha ha……

    Then, i check my blog ranking in alexa ,oh...........better don't figure it out. Check yours at here:

    Monday, April 5

    My Favourite Sport

    This is an article for project alpha 2

    wau.......when talk about SPORT.Yup,before i start to play music and become a so call music-lover,i'm totally fall in love with sport,different type of sports,by playing myself or watch the live match from TV.I think i have no any sport which i like the most currently as my time is limited,now,cloudfly has drop into his music world,left hand hold his beloved small red(bass),right hand reserved for his future camera(future mean haven buy,haha),so,here i will talk some sports which i addicted with it since i'm small.

    I think when i'm still a young boy,i'm fall in love with NBA,yup,basketball. I like michael jordan and chicago bulls so much.Everyday,i will grab my father's newspaper and looking for NBA news,when i found that the NBA news' photo is nice,i will cut it and paste in my special "NBA photo collection album".haha. Besides,every week,i will catched the newest episode of japan basketball animax from tv: SLAMDUNK(this also a reason i like sports???? =.='')

    When i entered secondary school,i give up of NBA,since my michael jordan has retired and feel that iverson and kobe bryant is not my cup of tea =.=''' such a good excuse,huhu. At that time,i started to put my eyes on badminton. I still remember,when teacher asked us to fill the "cita cita "column in the student personal profile,i wrote NATIONAL BADMINTON PLAYER as my first choice,haha. I like badminton quite a long time,but during secondary school,i'm a ping pong player.haha,so complicated!!!

    Not only badminton,i like to watched WWE during secondary school too.THE ROCK,BATISTA,BIG SHOW,TOO COOL and many more,i cant recognise their nickname.But my mother always shut off my tv when she found that i'm watching WWE,as she think that WWE will leave bad influence on me.I stopped to watched WWE after 3years when i found that WWE storyline is totally boring and always repeatted unstop.Forgot to tell,my favourite WWE superstar is CACTUS JACK,ha.

    Now,i'm not addicted with sport like before,and there has no any sport which i like the most when you ask about MY FAVOURITE SPORT,my life is full with different sports,ha.Now,i put my time for music,for band,for photography,but i still used to watch football match during weekend,it just for entertaining myself.

    As usual,when think about sport,Adidas will appear in my mind.Remember,get one deodorant before you go for sport.refreshing yourself and no more body odour!

    Adidas care wash

    Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS

    Thursday, April 1

    Taman Sri Endah

    Recently I was helping out my family to purchase a unit in taman sri endah area.

    There are mainly 3 options for us as our budget constrain is below 200k, Endah Ria, Endah Regal, and Endah Villa. Endah Puri can easily cost up to 300k + and the penthouse area costs 400k+ per unit. Therefore, there are no other choices but these three for us.

    We were looking for Endah Regal in the very beginning as the external view looks finest with the brand new painting. Located near Endah Parade and right besides Endah Ria.

    Endah Regal offers a bigger built-up square feet per unit with the same price as compared to endah ria. Besides, it is “one-block away” nearer to endah parade and public transportation station than Endah Ria. However, we didn’t put “her” into our first choice eventually. In spite of its age is 2 or 3 years elder than Endah Ria, the main reason that hold us back is they didn’t build a balcony for each and every unit. My father always fancied the enjoyment of sitting in the balcony, enjoy the night view and the pleasant cozy air, sipping Carlsberg and so-called “this is my life” the only joyfulness. We are not cruel enough to rob away his dream. Besides, during our purchase period there is one construction project going on just right besides Endah Regal. I believe most people would not enjoy to be greeted “good morning” with construction noises.
    Our agent recommended us endah villa as she stayed there as well. Endah villa was actually 10 minutes walking distance from Endah Regal and it is much nearer to bukit jalil LRT station.

    Similarly, it also offers a bigger built-up square feet than endah ria. However, since condominiums are 99 years of tenancy instead of freehold, endah villa has spent nearly 25 years of it. It has great environment and convenience but we are not only looking at the comforts of our new home but also the values and potential value behind it.

    Finally comes to endah ria, no doubt it has smaller built-up square feet than the above mentioned 2. However, it is the newest and younger residential groups, mostly occupied by new forming families and foreign students.

    I personally appreciate the security system in it where you need access card to go into the condominium area as well as your staying block. The security system used is similar to office usage. The only thing that turns me down is 2 blocks of it are facing highways, if you don’t mind, you can actually ignore the noise outside your balcony and keep enjoying your new home, as those who are facing penthouse view are averagely 10-20k more expensive.

    From the above, obviously we have put in a lot of effort on researches and surveys regarding the price, built-up and surrounding environment on our targeted area. Since searching in the newspaper property advertisement wall is no longer a "trendy" move in doing so, we focused more in online searching. We have browsed through several websites and view a few units but came back with empty hands and disappointing mood. However, our fortune still lies at our side. I was browsing propwall finding that there were no units available for sell in our targeted condo posted there, but we found our current agent, debbee ooi, her contact number from it.

    Propwall tends to appeared as luxury property websites with less medium priced choices, however, the Property forum offers us a lot of advice from current purchaser or agents.

    I was praying hard to wait for the management to decide to paint the external appearance, as promised by the agents saying that the painting will be run soon and the prices are going to raise, whether it is a truth or just some sales techniques, hope it works.

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